Say Goodbye to Deep Lines & Wrinkles…without Surgery

If you look in the mirror and are not 100% happy with what you see, there are solutions that can help you. We know the importance of feeling confident. We talk to clients every day and help them feel confident in their own skin.
As we get older, the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin reduces. The skin starts to sag and wrinkles form. However, you can make changes.
If you want to rejuvenate your facial features, then why not consider some Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers work by adding volume. They are used to fill in deep lines, creases and wrinkles in the face. They also add volume to lips that are wrinkled or thin.
If you have scars or blemishes, they can help improve the look of them too.
There is no need for expensive or complicated surgery.
The procedure is straightforward and takes less than an hour, depending on the area of treatment. An anaesthetic cream is applied to the skin area prior to injection of the dermal filler. Make-up can be applied 30 minutes after the procedure has been carried out.
There is very little pain involved with a dermal filler procedure. Very small needles are used to inject the gel into the tissue beneath the skin. The gel expands the neurofibres and tautens the skin to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
The results of a dermal fillers treatment are practically instant and can last for up to nine months. There is no recovery time and most people don’t experience any side effects.
Here’s how we work with our clients:
1. Book a consultation. Nothing beats a conversation with a skilled expert about your skin and your face. No two people are the same so we want to talk to you…about you.
2. We’ll do a detailed analysis of face or area of treatment. Then we can advise you on the correct course of action for you.
3. We’ll put a plan in place that suits you, not us, you. You are our priority. We work around your calendar and that includes scheduling regular appointments over the course of the treatment that suit you, if need be.
Book an appointment today. It’s your first step to having younger looking skin.